Thursday, September 07, 2006

Stupid Cheese.

So I take a break from TV news, feeling better, seeing clearly again. Last night after work I decide to give it a try. I see them falling all over themselves, telling us how upset we all are. Where were these morons a few years back? Do they really think they are telling us something we don't know? They say that the opium crop in Afghanistan is record breaking, a harvest that actually leaves them with a surplus. So much for the "War On Drugs", takes a back seat to the "War On Terror" I guess.

I understand that opium crop eradication is not a priority for U.S. boots on the ground, looking for the bad guys and trying to stay alive is what they are concentrating on. If no one cares about the opium crop, why didn't they just make a deal with the Sicilians? Could have told those guys to go take care of things in Afghanistan, in return they get to control the opium/heroin right there at the source, cut out the middle man. The Taliban and all the rest would have just quietly gone away.

"Osama? Won't see him no more".

Probably not the best idea anyone ever had, but it would have been effective. Good thing I'm not in charge I guess. No one ever accused me of being a deep thinker. Think I'm gonna take a break from the TV news again, that would be best.

When my nephew was like four, he tried a piece of sharp cheddar cheese while at a family gathering. He did not like the sharp cheddar cheese, as evidenced by the look on his face and his verbal response.

"Stupid cheese, I'm never eatin' cheese here again".

You tell 'em kid. Just keep callin' 'em like you see 'em.

Our parrot likes sharp cheddar cheese. Can't let him have a lot, it might bind him up, block his vent. That would be bad, a parrot with a blocked vent is an angry parrot.


Blogger MMM said...

Interesting read. Glad you were able to vent. ;-)

9:54 PM  
Blogger Squarehead said...

Triple M. Yeah, she gets it.

3:00 AM  

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