Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So I'm sitting here at UPMC Shadyside. My wife is in surgery. Not the big surgery. The Sentinel Node Biopsy. Sometimes called the Mother Node, it is located by injecting a dye into the bloodstream. If cancer is present in the Mother Node, that's bad. If cancer is not detected in the Mother Node, that's very good.

I'm in the Family Lounge in Posner Tower at Shadyside. They have two computers here for our use. I have a flashing pager, the kind they use at restaurants. The pager will activate when it's time for me to report to the desk. They paged me earlier, just before they wheeled her away. I gave her a kiss and I tasted like coffee. She was not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight. I kind of felt bad because she really loves coffee. She said it was the best kiss ever. I'm thinking about finding me some coffee flavored toothpaste.

I worked down on The dock 'til 0030 last night. I slept from 0100 'til 0300. We left at 0430 and arrived here in Pittsburgh at 0602. Good time. Very little traffic.

I'm numb at this point. Driving on impulse power. It's all good.

Hey Tommy. Who is the real Shady?


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