Saturday, January 24, 2009


That was a good year. My first Harley. It wasn't really a Harley. It was an old home built rigid chopper frame with a 1200 Sporty motor. I didn't have a motorcycle license. I didn't have a driver's license. It was before I took my road test. I never did register that bike. I did ride it a lot. I kept it at a friends house because I didn't want my parents to know I bought a ratty old chopper. I don't think they would have cared. They may have complained about all the room I was taking up in the one garage. 1979 was a pretty good year to be seventeen with a job.

I started this post a few weeks ago. I don't remember where it was going. Probably some place stupid. Considering the old chopper thing and all. It's safe to say that this was going to a stupid place. I have always been comfortable in Stupid. That's a good premise for a story. "Going To Stupid". Or, following the less is more thing. How about this. "Going Stupid". I like that.

Today is 08 February. The Steelers won. That's cool. My wife is struggling with all she now faces. I am struggling too.

I think I'm depressed. Not clinically, like I need a therapist and medication. I just think I'm not feeling great. Other than shovel snow and go to work I have done nothing but lay around with the clicker and eat. This has been going on for several weeks now. Today I will get moving.

I hate this part of the winter. The snow is no longer fun and new. It's all just gray and sad.

Spring is closing in on us. Now that thought puts a smile on my face.

Hey Tommy. Yeah, my wife and I joke about being old down in Boca. She had another bone scan. Doctor said she has arthritis in every joint in her body. She didn't have that last July, her last bone scan. They saw a very large spot on her spine. Further investigation, an M.R.I., shows it to be arthritis as well. She made a joke about moving to Arizona. The doctor said no. He said you want moist and warm for arthritis. He said Florida or the Gulf Coast somewhere. I guess we'll end up down there someday. After this winter. After several near misses driving the semi on the ice, Florida is looking better to me too. Yeah brother. Florida is looking real good to me these days. No more trucks. No bikes either. Maybe an electric golf cart. Later Tommy.


Blogger Just Me said...

How awful and painful for your wife, but I'm glad the spot on her spine is arthritis and not cancer. Is this something accelerated by the chemo, I wonder? Osteo or Rheumatoid?

Try bringing a little spring indoors. The supermarkets in my area are selling cut daffodils. They're not expensive and they smell wonderful. You could start some bulbs indoors too. Amaryllis bulbs are cool because you can spot daily progress once they sprout, and the blooms are lovely.

If flower pollen in your house is a bad idea because of allergies, and if you're within a reasonable drive, Longwood Gardens is a great place to go for a dose of spring. Even if the weather outside is lousy, the indoor galleries are worth the visit.

Good luck to you both. I hope she isn't hurting too much.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Squarehead said...

Hey, thanks JM. I apreciate the comments. I'm not sure what type it is. Osteo or Rheumatoid. That's a question I suppose I should ask.

Longwood Gardens. Sound nice. Sounds like a good day trip. I just keep thinking Fernwood Tonight. Remember that show? It was pretty stupid so I really liked it.

7:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

12:36 AM  
Blogger Squarehead said...

Thank you Anon.

1:54 PM  

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