Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spring Forward.

Yup, it's now lighter out later. So yesterday our younger daughter, she's eleven, was complaining about losing the hour on Sunday. She was saying that it screwed her all up. She's PMS'ing, great. So her older sister says to her, ...

"Why don't you write a letter to the President and tell him that you don't like daylight savings?".....

So, the little one does not miss a beat. She fires right back.

"No, that will just make things worse, I can see it now. The President will get my letter and say, uh oh, somebody doesn't like daylight savings. I better send more troops to Iraq."

Well, that was not expected. I laughed my ass off. Who would have thought that an eleven year old would come up with something like that. She is a very funny kid and her sense of humor is really developing. Her big sister and my wife are both really funny too. I just never expected to hear political humor from one so young.

My wife and I do not impose our views on our children, they have to make up their own minds about things. I don't want anyone to think that her funny comments are the result of parental influence. She is very smart, she reads everything from Highlights to National Geographic and the newspaper. We are very proud of our little one, she is becoming a sarcastic wit and that's a good thing. After all, we are from Jersey originally. You can take the girl out of Jersey...........


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