Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So here I am braggin' 'bout winning nine bucks on a lottery ticket purchased on Friday The Thirteenth. Turns out it was purchased a week earlier. Like I was saying, I almost never buy lottery tickets. Can't remember the last time I bought 'em two weeks in a row, now it's three 'cause I got some more when I cashed in the nine dollar winner. I do remember buying the ticket the week before the Friday The Thirteenth purchase.

It was payday. So I cash my check and slide on over to the mini-mart/gas station to fill up the old Jeep. I go inside to pay, and get myself a Coke. I run into this guy I know who starts telling me about this thing that's been goin' on. Yeah, so he's ahead of me in line and he's paying for his stuff. He decides to buy a ticket so I buy a ticket too.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to revise and extend my remarks. Correct the official record, as it were. Just takin' a play from the book they use down in D.C........Why the hell not? It seems to work for those people.

Hey Tommy. Can you believe that Attorney General guy?.........Yeah bro., don't I know it......Man if I had ever lied like that under oath when I was a cop? Well, lied in such an obvious and stupid way, you know what I mean. Forget about it!.......Yeah, very funny. Hey bro, it was Jersey okay? What the hell is this guy's excuse?.....Yeah, I guess we all need to take a long hard look in that mirror. Problem is, everyone uses a different mirror. Down there in D.C.? I think they got those old fun house mirrors from the carnival....Yeah, that Lindsey Lohan girl, what a damn shame man. I mean that kid is in trouble. She's got bigger problems than a court date, you know?......Yeah, I'll catch you later Tommy.........No. I didn't work tonight, they got me scheduled Friday this week instead..........Yeah.........

Hey Tommy! Yeah it's me again....I know it's only been like two minutes....No, I just wanted to tell you somethin' is all. You got a problem with that?.....Yeah well that's why they put an edit button on this blog thing.....No, what I wanted to tell you was that I got me an icy cold twelve pack of Coors sittin' in the fridge that I bought last weekend. Now it's an eleven pack. I figure two or three more before I hit the rack...Yeah, I ain't been sleepin' good the last few nights. I figure Coors tastes better than Ambian so what the hell.......No, it's where the Docs screwed those titanium rods into my bones. Sometimes it gets a little sore is all.....Yeah, everybody has a little pain to duck now and then. Hey, here's me duckin' some right now........Yeah, it's all cold and frosty-smooth....No it ain't light beer. Hey man, I have to go outside and smoke a cigarette. maybe look up at the sky, the night sky.........Yeah I'll see you buddy...........Yeah.


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