Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Five Mayonnaise.

I brought her home on Monday. She's been doing better with time. Today we have a Visiting Nurse here in our drafty old house. She's with her right now. The older baby girl is with them too. It's time for the dressings to be changed. Nurse says it all looks good. One week from today she will have the drains removed. The older baby girl will drive her to Pittsburgh for her 0845 scheduled appointment. I was transferred to day shift starting next week, I can't take her.

Day shift down on The Dock starts at 0600. For trailer drivers, like me, it starts at all different times. It depends on the run you get for that day. I will probably be heading to Pittsburgh at 0400 several days a week. That's fine with me. Day shift trailer drivers get Lots-O-Overtime.

So we have to empty the drains twice a day. Four tubes, each attached to a plastic squishy bottle that resembles a hand grenade in both shape and almost in size. Difference is this. You squeeze these balls.

(I know, I know. I could have said that better.)

Anyway, you squeeze them and they create a vacuum that helps the drains, well, drain. When you empty these things out you have to measure the amount fluid in each one and record same. They are designated "A" through "D". She will be very happy when they are gone.

I have to go for now. I will continue this later. 1225hrs. 06MAY08.

It's now Friday, 09MAY08. 1240hrs.

She's sleeping. I'm tired. I will sleep on the weekend. I start day shift on Monday. Have to alter my sleep patterns accordingly. It's all good. I'm going to to take a personal day on Wednesday, 14MAY08. I willl take her to Pittsburgh to have the drains removed. She asked me if I could do that. She worries about the girls.


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