Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's Official.

Doc called yesterday afternoon as I was on my way out the door for work. My buddy was sitting in the alley waiting for me.

My wife has breast cancer. Early stages, very early detection. She's scheduled for surgery next Wednesday.

They will remove a section from what my wife now refers to as her "bad titty".

Three or so weeks of daily radiation treatments will follow. Five years of hormone therapy after that.

We kind of knew I think. We were prepared to hear the worst. It's a little tough around here right now.

When she was on the phone with the doctor yesterday, like I was sayin' I left for work. When I got down to The Dock I turned around and came right back home. One of the day shift guys gave me a ride up. We talked for about an hour then my daughter ran me back and I finished out the shift. I wanted to stay with her, this ain't no time to be losing hours though. She's going to miss two weeks. That's going to be hard enough.

I don't care about her missing work. She cares because she has perfect attendance, just short of the complete year she needs to get the bonus.

Drive on.


Blogger whatnext said...

Crap. Something told me to drop by tonight, and now I know why. Let me just offer what I little have to offer, which is inconsequential in the larger scheme of things: my sister had this exact thing. And 8 years later she's still here and healthy. The hormone thing is a little rough, I think. Basically she'll get thrown into menopause overnight, which won't be easy for either of you. But thank God it's early. There's something to be thankful for, even in the midst of this crisis. Sending thoughts your way. Good luck. Kick some walls and swear a lot, out of earshot of your wife. Take a deep breath.

7:18 PM  
Blogger Squarehead said...

Hey Okay. Thank you. I'm glad your sister is doing well. That is a big positive for me to hear. Last night at work I was throwing pallets. Instead of using the lift to stack them, I was throwing them. Nobody said anything to me. The guys I work with must know without me saying. It was better than kicking the wall because kicking the wall would probably break my foot. I do appreciate your thoughts. You're okay, Okay.

10:47 AM  

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