Thursday, November 08, 2007


It all comes down to money.

We are very lucky to have good insurance as part of my police retirement package. What about all those people who don't?

I am trying to land a position as a full time tractor trailer driver down on The Dock. I have my class A CDL and a good medical card. If I'm able to get the new job it will mean almost twice what I'm earning now. That would mean my wife would able to worry less about money and more about getting better.

She needs more surgery. It's called a bilateral, or double mastectomy. Recovery time will be longer than the first time. They called this first round a lumpectomy. It was more than that. Once they looked inside, they discovered more than they thought they would. They actually removed so much tissue that they might as well have taken the whole breast.

She is upset. A couple of good days followed by some not so good days. It hurts her, she has pain in her right breast and she's still going to work every night. She started back this week. She doesn't think she'll be able to do the overtime on Saturday. I'm glad she's not going to. Knowing her, she still might.

I don't want her working in the powdered metal plant anymore. It's not my place to tell her what to do, but I did tell her how I feel. I don't think it's a healthy environment. I don't think it's conducive to a healthy recovery. I hope I get this new position. I never heard back from the railroad, oh well. I hope I get this new position so that she can work part time around the younger baby girl's school schedule and be home with her more than she is now.

The doctor says expect the worst. The doctor says prepare for the worst so that we are not blindsided by this cancer. Well, expecting the worst. The more time she can spend with the girls the better. Know what I mean?

She's angry. She's determined. I'm determined to back her up all the way.

My wife says they have free mammograms available for those who can't afford it. Her point is this. Then what? What does the woman who has no insurance do when her mammogram results harbor bad news?

I heard on the news this morning where Congress and the President agreed to raise the National Debt level to nine trillion dollars........Nine trillion dollars........Assholes.

It all comes down to money.

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That's what we here in this country are guaranteed. The only time I've heard that said lately is on those Cadillac ads. They drop the ending. They drop the "of happiness" part. They just say "the pursuit" part.

So if we can buy a new Cadillac then we're guaranteed these things? I don't want a new Cadillac. I want to see my wife beat cancer. I want the older baby girl to be able to continue her pursuit as she prepares to attend art school in the spring semester. I want both of our girls to be able to spend as much time with their mother as time will allow.

Nine trillion dollars in debt. Three bucks a gallon for gas. Natural gas prices going through the roof. Electricity rates about to be deregulated. It's like these idiots in charge really want to return to those long lost days when they ruled over us. They don't want to serve their fellow man. They just want run the show while the rest of us foot the bill.

Nine trillion dollars. How come I can't go to the bank and borrow more money than I will ever be able to pay back? How come I can't go to the bank and borrow money that I don't have to pay back because it will be paid back by other hard working people? Oh yeah, I forgot. I didn't go to college and learn how to be smart like they all did...........Assholes.

Don't hand me that Democrat versus Republican thing. They all did it. They all continue to do it. They will all continue to do it and nothing will ever change...............Assholes.

She's sleeping now. I just used one of those refill-it yourself printer cartridge kits and I'm waiting for it to set up. Both of the girls need to print out stuff for school. I saved over forty bucks doing it this way. I sure hope it works. If it doesn't, maybe Congress can send me printer cartridges that they bought for the Pentagon. They probably pay five hundred bucks for what I can get downtown for fifty.

Nine trillion dollars in debt. There ain't enough overtime available to pay that off.....................



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