Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Keep It.

Went to the store yesterday. Me and the older baby girl. Had orders to purchase photo storage boxes. My wife has been organizing her pictures lately. She takes a lot of pictures. She takes some great pictures. She has a real eye for that sort of thing. She's very visual.

So, my daughter went with me. She was a big help, I didn't get the wrong thing. We also purchased a half dozen washcloths and some spoons. Just spoons. We got twelve of your standard spoon, nothing fancy, just spoons. My wife made that request. Like I was saying, I wasn't about to get into the whole flatware thing again.

One of the guys at work had a heart attack. He's three years younger than me. He's been dealing with high blood pressure for quite some time. He's in very good shape. His father died young, early fifties I think. I guess it runs in the family. He's okay now. He had surgery, they installed these tubes, or shunt type things to keep his arteries open. They say he's coming back to work next week, light duty.

It's snowing and cold. I have to go buy some salt to throw on the steps out front, and the walk out back to the alley.

My wife mentioned her breast cancer for the first time in some time this morning. She's thinking about it a lot. She knows she has to schedule the additional needed surgery. It's good that she's thinking about it. I think about it all the time. I don't bring it up unless she does. It's her thing, I have to let her lead the way.

We saw the articles about overnight shift work and breast cancer. That really sucks. She's been working steady overnight shifts for well over a year now. She's been thinking about it a lot, like I was saying.

My best friend is getting a divorce. He was handed papers yesterday. It's sad. He's upset. He needs to see a lawyer.

Sometimes I really don't like winter.


Blogger whatnext said...

Despite all the stuff contained in your post, the thing that reached out and grabbed me is that you have an alley.

I miss my allies. I grew up in a city that was like a maze. 50,000 ways to get from here to there, all involving alleys. Where I am now we don't even have sidewalks.

What a dad you are.

And I'm looking out the window at likely the same snow storm you all are looking at at this moment, and I am hating it. I am despising snow. I'm taking it personally.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Squarehead said...

I know what you Okay. I really don't like winter, not the way I did when I was a kid.

Yeah, the alley. It does come in handy. One of the first things I did when we moved here was to learn the allies. Like you, I enjoy avoiding traffic that way.

10:55 AM  

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